Our Lenten Journey 2016
Fully Human, Fully Alive
Lent points to the satisfaction of our desires. But which ones?
The Gospel doesn’t call us not to to be human, but to be human in the right way. Christianity does not to do away with our desires but saves us from our deformed desires and the serpent’s lie that we are self-sufficient and in no need of being completed by Another.
Some past articles that you may find helpful.
Join Us For Lent
Join us for our Lenten series ‘Hesed – Parables, Stories and Psalms of Mercy’ at Youth Fellowship.
‘Hesed’ is a Hebrew word found in the Old Testament. The meaning of the word is a ‘faithful love’ which shows us God’s undeserved loving kindness and mercy towards us.
Example Great is his love (hesed) toward us, the faithfulness of the LORD endures forever. Ps 117:2