1st December 2013

The Experience of SEVEN 2013

Over 400 youth applied for this year’s SEVEN Course and about 215 of them attended the SEVEN weekend called ‘The Best is Yet to Come.’ The Course started with a pre-party event on Tuesday 15th October and then held every Tuesday until the 26th November. The talks were based on a 7 ‘question and answer’ format every time, covering topics like the character of God, the meaning of the Good News, How to Connect in Prayer, Unlocking there Scripture and Overcoming Common obstacles to faith. After the talk the participants divided into Small Group where they could discuss the topic in more detail.

As in previous years, this year’s SEVEN was a great experience for those who attended.

Here’s what they themselves had to say about it.

Topics were extremely interesting and helpful – topics which we encounter in our daily lives. Small groups gave us an opportunity to discuss issues more openly in a secure environment with no fear of being judged or ridiculed! – Maria Luisa

I feel so lucky and fortunate that found a way how to fill my empty heart with God’s love! Seven really helped me to start the right road! – Daniel

The course was very informative and provided the opportunity to start a journey to get to know God. Well organised especially in the small groups when we had the opportunity to discuss on a personal manner and ask questions. – Owen

It was truly exceptional. It left a huge impact on me and it helped so much in achieving what I have constantly dreamed of achieving – that of making Jesus Christ the centre of my life. I am very thankful of this opportunity and will definitely recommend it to others. –  Matteo

It was a good experience, where I was immersed in God’s presence and I could really feel God’s love upon me. – Romina

This was of great help in my life, as  i was getting away from God, however, the very interesting talks as well as with the help of the small group ( now close friends) helped me to rejoin with God. – Luke

Something different than usual, this course has helped me grow spiritually and brought me closer to God.  – Samantha

Such a wonderful experience. I never thought this course was going to leave such a great impact on my life. I made a lot of new friends and strengthened previous relationships. i can now feel the Holy Spirit work in me. Thank You for such a wonderful experience. – Christine

Sessions were very interesting and well presented. Sessions were very suitable for youths. I like the fact of the group that organised how deep and dedicate they are. – Charlene

It was a very well-prepared and interesting course which continued to strengthen my belief in Christ and knowledge on all the Church’s teachings. It was a course which came at the right time. – Jurgen

The seven course helped me realize that although I was leading a good and happy life, I wasn’t really happy. Now I know that nothing can make me really happy as God can! – Marielou

It was the survival skills needed in our daily lives. Once we got them on Tuesdays, it was great to have the everyday guide for the following week. A good kick start for the spiritual life. – Matthew

Everyday questions that pop up in my head about God, were answered really well and it was useful to pray together. Thanks a Lot! – Ilona

A though provoking experience that takes you back to your roots and helps you encounter God better. – Annelise

Very helpful in the gradual building up of a spiritual relationship. Especially due to the weekly commitment that it entailed, despite the usual routine’s hassle, once you actually get here it already felt an achievement and was in itself encouraging to be welcomed in such an environment. – Yanika

Very eye opening and soul searching. Helped me to feel part of a community, gave me more patience and trust in God. A wonderful testimony of God’s love. – Benjamin

Although I already had a relationship with Christ this course helped me answer many doubts and questions I had, and get me closer to God.  – Andre

Impressive. Ma stennejtiex li se jkun daqshekk sabih u mimli bi spirtu ta gabra u paci. igri jasl iehor ghax vera esperjenzajt lil Alla b’mod shih. L-imhabba u paci kbira go qalbi, permezz ta din l-esperjenza nista napplikhom f’hajti. – Gilbert

Find a sense in your life and hope. – William

I really enjoyed SEVEN weekend. It gave me a different approach to God and another type of community which is good to be surrounded with. As a person who takes time to process certain feelings it was just right. It wasn’t too overwhelming. The reconciliation and the healing were very powerful and helpful. – Maria