Dumpster Diving

Published on 5th March 2020
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God = Joy

Nowadays, increasingly fewer youth would associate God with the satisfaction of a lavish meal and the pleasure of vices with the rotting food in a bin. Actually quite the opposite!

Sadly Christianity has been experienced or presented as dull, irrelevant, antiquated and restrictive whilst today’s permissive culture as freeing, fun and fulfilling. At the same time, a good number of youth all over the world are concluding that the latter is not true either. But this does’t mean that they will turn to Jesus for the ‘bread of life’ and ‘living water’ that He promises to all those who seek God with genuine hearts.

Invited to the Banquet

Maybe its because too many Christians are eating bin-scraps too. Even if they have come to know Jesus, they’re not immune from the lure of temptation and sin. Or because although they know that the decaying food the world presents has left them empty and sick, they simply cannot seem to let go. This struggle is known by all in one way or another.

The Lord however longs to forgive and show mercy! Lent is about preparing ourselves for  the banquet of God’s love being offered to us. It is a real experience of the closeness of God, His immense love and His freeing truth, whether this is sudden or gradual. And for those who have already encountered the Lord it is good to be reminded of the Scriptural words: live by the Spirit and do not gratify the desires of the flesh (Gal 5:16).

For those who have never really drawn close to God before but hunger and thirst for a banquet of joy and truth,  you too can come to experience the love of God poured into the hearts of those who choose to trust Him (Rom 5:5).

We honestly recommend to keep garbage where it is supposed to go, just hire a dumpster rental service near you and get rid of it.