Read Luke 9:12-17

Focal Verse

They all ate and were satisfied, and the disciples picked up twelve basketfuls of broken pieces that were left over.

Luke 9:17

Bible Study

The multiplication of loaves and fish takes place in a deserted place which today has been identified as Tabgha by the Sea of Galilee which we will be visiting tomorrow.  Tabgha has a particular significance for us since the Foundation behind our community is also named after this place.  The vision behind the Cenacolo Community and Youth Fellowship is to give the Lord the little we have and allow him to multiply it.  God has been faithful and through these years many people have been fed with Jesus’ Word and His Healing grace in our meetings and Eucharistic celebrations. May we remain faithful to this call for all our lives and always renew our yes to the Gospel of Journeying, the theme of today's day of travel to the Holy Land.

Reflection and Application

The truth is that we are what we eat!  Just as the body needs the proper daily nourishment of food and exercise, spiritual fitness requires the proper daily nourishment of spiritual food


Thank you Lord for the infinite grace you provide through the Eucharist.  Lord, I ask you to increase our capacity to receive You and Your selfless love -  the only thing that can fully satisfy our internal hunger. In turn, let me grow in my capacity to 'feed' others with good works and your very Word. 

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