Read Luke 8:7,14
"The seed that fell among thorns stands for those who hear, but as they go on their way they are choked by life’s worries, riches and pleasures, and they do not mature"
Luke 8:14
This third soil type was good if it was not for the fact that the growing plant is surrounded by thorns which choke out its life and sustenance. This happens when the Lord is crowded out by other things in life and we cease to seek God and His Kingdom above everything else. Some of these things are not necessarily bad, they are just given the wrong priority. Having ceased to live by the right priorities, we begin to live by pressure and living by pressure can also lead us to seek reprieve in pleasure. Before we know it, compromise enters our life and loving God, serving Him and others fade in the background.
To choke something is to place an obstruction and preventing it from receiving what it needs to thrive. In His loving mercy, the Lord reveals to us, in a number of ways, those attitudes, actions and inactions which choke our spiritual life and prevent the proper integration of our Christian walk with the other aspects of our life. This can lead to disorientation of our hearts from the Lord and obedience to Him.
"Lord, forgive me from crowding you out of my life. I choose today to re-commit myself to seeking you and your kingdom first. May the pilgrimage help me orient my inner heart more fully to You and Your will for my life.