True Obedience

Read Luke 6:46-49

Focal Verse

“Why do you call me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ and do not do what I say?”

Luke 6:46

Bible Study

Imagine a four-story villa with two garages, a beautiful lawn and a swimming pool and a one-story bungalow which doesn’t even have a garage. Which would you prefer to live in?

Our tendency would be to choose the villa unless we are told that despite its apparent beauty it is built on sand whilst the bungalow is built on rock. In that case, our choice would be different.


This is the point Jesus is making in today’s passage. We are called to build our lives on the rock of His love and truth and not on the shifting sands of today’s neo-pagan worldview. This means that in practice we obey what the Lord tells us and not console ourselves by the fact that we call ourselves believers.

Key Word: "Obedience"

To obey means to listen to what God says with a determination to put it into practice.

Obedience to God’s will is central to the Christian life and nothing else makes sense without it. Obedience is both a grace and a duty. In other words, whilst the Word of God tells us what to do, grace makes it possible for us to obey it.


Lord show me that area in my life where I have been resistant to your will. Please give me the grace to put your word into practice.

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